Monday, February 19, 2018

Vlog: When Plans Change and People Disappoint

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a great weekend.  Today's vlog post is about when plans change and people disappoint.  It's hard to handle, but those things happen.  

How do you react to that?  Do you fly off the handle?  Do you keep your cool?  Do you communicate with the person that you are disappointed and let them tell their side of the story as well, in a calm and respectful manner?  

And, what if you promise something that you can't deliver?  What do you do then?  Do you make excuses?  Do you apologize?  Do you make an effort to make things right?  Apologize, and move on.  Don't beat yourself up about it.  

Trust is a must within relationships, friendships, and at work.  If you have no trust, you have nothing.  If the trust is there, you have a chance to mend fences.  If it's not, then there is little chance of mending anything.  You need to be able to trust others and yourself.  

Communication is key to remedying the situation, whatever it is.  Open up.  Take the person aside and talk honestly and fairly about your beef.  Let that person have a say as well.  Really listen.  Clear the air.

If this person is a great friend, or you generally have a great marriage, or you really love your job, for the most part, it's worth tackling the problems head-on and trying to come to a peaceful and satisfying solution.  Really work at it.  

Now, if you communicate and you talk yourself blue in the face and nothing changes, then you may consider drastic action such as quitting your job, ending your marriage, or cutting that family member out of your life.  But, again, those are drastic measures which should happen only as a last resort.  When you have done all you can and the hurt won't leave, and you can't get past what the person did to you, even while the help of a professional, then consider leaving the marriage, the job, the friendship, or the family member and moving on.  

Have you had experiences like these?  What did you do about it?  Only you can decide which option is best for you.  Think about it, try to work things out, and go from there. 
Please email me at or comment below.   

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