Monday, February 26, 2018

Guest Post by Janine Kathleen Shapiro: Chronic Illness and Mindset

Hi! Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend.

Today, I am thrilled to welcome Janine Kathleen Shapiro, RN,RM,Dip Psych Personal Life Expansion Coach, as my guest. Her post is on chonic illness and mindset. She offers so much positive and helpful information. I hope you enjoy it and find the information useful.

Chronic Illness and Mindset


The established set of attitudes held by someone.

What shapes our mindset?

  • Childhood and Life Experiences
  • Pain
  • Societal norms
  • Thoughts- ours and others
  • Emotions - ours and others
  • Desires
  • Perceptions and Paradigms- positive and negative
  • Personality and Love Languages and how we allow the mix to work for us

What we consistently think about, the emotions we respond to circumstances with, and the degree with which we allow societal norms (allied with past experiences) to control us -  all play a vital and impacting role on our mindset, our attitude and our responses to happenings in our lives and bodies.

The most important thing I would like you to leave this article with is:

YOU are in control of YOUR mindset, your emotions, and your reality.

You have total control over your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, no matter what has shaped it in the past and what is happening on a daily basis.

Change and growth are scary and necessary to living a fulfilling and confident lifestyle.

It takes looking at our deep and ingrained beliefs to see what is truth, what is reality and what no longer serves our current reality.

Beliefs and mindset

A belief is something you have had repeated to you and you have repeated to yourself, over and over until your subconscious has internalised it and taken it as a truth, even if it is a lie and not serving YOUR best interests.

The difference between Helen Keller and others with hearing and visual impairment, besides her companion, was her belief that she could and would achieve, despite her circumstances.

I watched my daughter decide to be a dancer, despite unrelenting pain and other physical challenges.
Her total belief and focus allowed a solution to appear.
Then she chose to put in the time and effort despite starting at 16 years of age when the other children had been dancing since the ages of 3 to 5 years of age.
Subsequently, her purpose shifted to the next level of her life and her choice was to allow it for her greater good.

It takes a decision and a choice to shift our paradigm of what is possible and what CAN be possible.

CHOICE is the most vital aspect of adopting a positive and empowering mindset.

It is actioned, one thought at a time, one situation at a time.

It takes reframing a situation to assist us to move forward rather than staying stuck in victim mentality.

You choose to create your reality

It is so sad to see people OWN their disease, disability, or challenge in life.
They tell me, “Oh I am a diabetic you know.”
My inward response “Well you look like a person, not a disease to me”

We all have different roles in life that make up who we are, it does not make us that role, it is part of the composite us.

Various roles change as we move through the seasons of life, so does that steal from us or add to our ultimate and total worth?
THAT is the decision we need to allow for.

Are you choosing to be a health challenge, a disability, a victim?
Can you choose to be the best person with a great mindset and positive reality?
Would you be prepared to put the work in to shift your mindset for your greatest good, highest of intentions and with the deepest of love?

Action steps


Journal and journal your perceptions about emotions, situations, and realities.
Avoid criticising yourself, another.
Avoid judgment.
Be real about your emotions and experience and see how you can reframe looking at it from another angle.
Ask at all times why did something happen, how can it be used for good and growth. I use the phrase “Why has good come from this?” Do not answer it, just allow to flow out and the answers come and are always for our good.

Thank your pain, tiredness, feeling of helplessness and allow to flow onto the paper.
Thank your limitations and see where you can change into a strength for yourself and for others.

Keep checking for the “Woe is me” syndrome, release it and replace immediately with gratitude for what is good and great in your life.

Great questions to ask are:

  • How am I feeling today?
  • What is an issue I am facing?
  • What can I do about my most recent problem?
  • What lesson is hidden in a situation I am facing?
  • Why do I keep having these thoughts?
  • What do I feel the need to change or improve about myself? (Why?)
  • Am I being self -compassionate?
  • Am I seeing the bigger picture?
  • Where am I allowing false perceptions to colour the situation?
  • In what ways can I be more mindful?
  • What mistaken beliefs am I buying into?
  • What is my plan of action to set intentions, work out goals and set tasks to achieve where I want to be?
  • What setbacks and obstacles am I facing?
  • Are they true or are they limiting beliefs?


Visualize what you want in detail and with emotion.
Alter your reality and change your point of focus from what you have to what you would like

Reading and podcasts

Wash your mind daily with empowering and inspiring stories.
Allow others to lift and inspire you to be the best you are able to be.


Be present at all times to ensure you are in a state of gratitude and choice.
Having a negative moment?
Thank it, learn from it and replace it with an emotion of something you enjoy and take delight in.


Accept what you have today, acknowledge it and work on what you want for tomorrow.

With health challenges some days are great and others need a little work.

Allow yourself to flow and effortlessly work towards what you need, your reality and release the expectations and beliefs of others.
Let their problem be their problem, not yours.

If they have expectations of you, again, that is their reality.

You know you are stretching and going that extra mile within the framework of self-love and self-compassion and that is OK.

Be in creation and release competition.

You are awesome as you make empowering choices and rest on the days you just, absolutely, can’t!

Have a day filled with love, joy, knowledge, empowerment, freedom, and appreciation.

These 6 emotions will take you further than any other.
Bio for Janine Kathleen Shapiro

Janine Shapiro, a Personal Life Expansion Coach and Intuitive Healer started out as a
qualified registered nurse, midwife and psychiatric nurse. Her personal experience with
severe health challenges, led her to expand her healing practice to exclusively using
integrative, holistic healing modalities. Janine empowers you on your journey of
becoming the expert on your body, emotions, and purpose, helping you overcome
fatigue to regain energy and spark in your life to live a zestful, confident, fulfilled lifestyle.
Contact Janine at

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