Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Vlog: Supporting Others Helps You Cope

Hello!  You may be thinking of the title of this blog and saying to yourself, "You have got to be kidding!"  With an already full plate of doctor's appointments, therapy, health maintenance, medication schedules, family obligations and the like, you're probably thinking you have no time to support others.  I get that. 

Potential benefits

But I also understand how much helping others has helped me.  And it can help you as well by:

  • boosting your spirits
  • helping you forget about your problems for a bit
  • giving you a feeling of serving a purpose
  • building your confidence
  • enhancing and enriching your own life by helping you realize your own possibilities
  • making you feel healthier
  • making you feel energized
Ways you can help

There are countless ways you can help others.  You don't have to do anything huge.  Every little thing you can do to support someone in need helps.  Start small and see how it goes, then build on it as you see fit.  Here are some options I came up with.  Some I've done, others I haven't.  You may want to::
  • help tutor a neighbor's child
  • volunteer at a local school, church, animal shelter, community event
  • talk with friends who are going through chemo, dialysis, physical therapy or another issue--be their sounding board
  • volunteer at a hospital--read to children, deliver flowers, work at an information desk
  • start or join a support group connected to your specific health issues--cancer, MS, arthritis, diabetes, people who have an ostomy
  • go into the healthcare field--nurse, doctor, Xray tech, counselor, coach, secretary at a clinic, scheduler for a doctor's office, bookkeeper for a therapist
What else can you think of?  What are you willing to try?  Think of what you'd like to do then take the first step toward putting it into action, and build on it from there.  I'd love to hear what you decide to do.  Let me know how it goes.  You can email me at or comment below.  Thanks!  I'll catch you back here on Monday.  Have a great weekend!

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