Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Vlog: Wellness

The definition of wellness according to The World Health Organization is, "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

What can you do to increase your wellness, your well-being?  Here are some ideas:

  • be honest with yourself and others--if your friends can't understand your having to cancel plans, if your spouse resents your medical costs, if you just can't take your boss's attitude anymore, consider ending those relationships and finding new, more supportive ones.  Look inside and really think about it first, though.  Do what feels right for you and your health and well-being.
  • be you--with no apologies!  You don't have to be rude to be real.  Just simply be yourself!
  • keep up with your health maintenance--you need your health is thrive!
  • maintain healthy relationships with your family, friends, coworkers, boss--everyone in your life--surround yourself with positive, supportive people who "get" you and challenge you in a good way.  They are your cheering section and have your back at all times.
  • get regular wellness exams--super important!
  • think outside the box:  Yes!  Explore, do stuff your own way, be different, celebrate new ideas and ways of doing things
  • be creative--Yes!  Creative, expand your world, again, think of new ideas, refreshing ideas that make your heart sing, get involved in projects that you can disappear into, that you love!
  • challenge yourself--Yes!  A good challenge is amazing to spark a sense of well-being!  You can do anything you set your mind to!
  • expand your mind--think, learn, grow, experience different things, be open to different experiences!
  • live by your values--be true to yourself and what you believe in!
  • help out in your community--volunteer, make speeches, do outreach, spread awareness
  • make a difference in a person's life--this can be big, small, somewhere in the middle.  Anything and everything counts and could make a huge impact on that person's life!
  • care for your environment--your immediate environment at home, your town, your state, your country, the world.  That's up to you.  To make a difference is a great way to boost wellness!
  • get good sleep--getting those zzzz's can make a huge difference in how you view your life and well-being!
  • exercise regularly--Move!  Yes, keep moving and getting strong and boosting your mood and increasing flexibility!  There are so many benefits to regular exercise!  Do what you can.  There are all levels of exercises.  Pick the fun and doable ones, but also remember to keep challenging yourself as they become easier.
  • eat healthfully--Yes!  Definitely eat healthy foods.  That doesn't mean you have to nix your favorite snacks.  Just make healthy eat a priority and have those treats now and then.
These are just some of the ways you can increase wellness.  Can you think of others?

I'd also like to talk about an article I read that I absolutely freakin' love!  It's called "Can Disability, Chronic Conditions, Health and Wellness Coexist?" by June Issaacson Kailes, MSW and LCSW.  It appears on the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability ( website.  The following are just a few points made:

  • A new definition of health where it is viewed as multi-dimensional and that optimal health is seen as defined within a given person's unique circumstances.
  • Health is viewed as the maximizing of one's potential along various dimensions--balancing physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual factors. 
  • Under this definition, disability is not a roadblock to maximizing health and potential.  
How cool is that?!!  You can do anything you want to within your capabilities.  No comparison to athletes, or "normal" people.  You do the best you can within your abilities.  You compete with yourself and no one else.  You are healthy!  

The article also poses questions needing to be addressed regarding exercise for people with disabilities, such as:

  • Where people with disabilities go for fitness information that is relevant to their needs
  • How should we exercise?
  • How much?
Further, the article states that people with disabilities need:

  •  exercise guidelines that are age and function-limited-sensitive
  • universal equipment!!!!!  This equipment would be for everyone!!!  I am short so when I went to the gym there were machines that I couldn't use because I couldn't reach them, or even the recumbent bikes that, while low, were long so I could reach the pedals even after making adjustments.
I encourage you to read the article.  There is so much cool information in it.  I hope it's helpful to you.  

So!  Are you committed to wellness?  What are you going to do to increase wellness in your life?  What are you doing already from the list above?  Celebrate that!  I would love to hear what you're doing, and what your plans are, and what you think of the article.  

Email me at, or comment below.

Now, I may have a guest blogger on Friday.  If not, that will happen soon.  And, I will see you back here next week.  Have a great weekend and take care.

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