Monday, May 4, 2015

Chair Aerobics

In a recent post I talked about ways to sit less.  But then I thought, well, what about exercise for someone who uses a wheelchair or has trouble standing for any length of time?  When I was a growing up, I used a wheelchair quite often.  To exercise, I danced while seated, moving to the beat of the music; pumping my fists, raising my arms, kicking and stomping my feet, and so on. I had a ball and got a pretty decent workout besides.  Wall push ups, leg extensions, and leg curls are other options.  You can do that, too.  Make up your own routines to suit your mobility, ability, flexibility, and fitness level.  Make it fun.  But were there any videos available with organized aerobic programs?  

I searched and found a few choices available.  The one I chose to order was Chair Aerobics for Everyone on DVD.  I was so impressed with how good a workout I got from this DVD! I worked up a sweat and my muscles felt like they had had a really good workout.  The DVD includes cardio, free weight, and circuit training, and someone from the group always does a regressed version, so you can do the workouts regardless of your fitness level.  The DVD separates workouts into chapters, so I played them individually first until I got the hang of the routines.  If you're looking for a longer workout, choose to play all the segments.  The instructor of this aerobic workout is experienced and keeps things moving at a good pace.

This is a great workout for those who aren't able to stand--or stand for a long period of time--while exercising, have limited space at home or work, or are new to exercise.  You can get toned, burn fat, boost your energy, and have a great time doing it.  

Remember to ask your doctor before starting any new exercise program.  Always exercise safely, stay hydrated, and stop if you have trouble breathing or experience sharp pain.  


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