Thursday, December 21, 2017

Vlog: Friendship and Clubs

Hello!  I'm a bit late with this one.  Busy with Christmas shopping and preparations and parties and such.  But I'm here now!  :-)  

Today's vlog is about friendship and clubs.  When I have asked people who are interested in making new friends if they would consider joining a club, they often say they aren't into them.  Clubs can be a great way to make new friends, so it is something I urge people to consider.  After all, we often hang out with people who have similar interests.  That's a club of sorts, albeit an informal one.  Why not try a more formal one?  Some people don't want to pay dues, have regularly scheduled meetings, and strict rules.  Okay, that is understandable.  But, what about starting your own club?  Then you could make your own rules and invite or accept the people you feel most comfortable with.  

I realize that for those of us who are introverted, it can be difficult to get out there and meet new people.  Start slow, say hello to a neighbor, have dinner with someone from work, take a class, and yes, join clubs that interest you.   

I would love to hear about your experiences making new friends; especially those of you who are introverts like me.  Email me anytime at or comment below.  Thanks.  Take care.

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