Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What Happens When You Try and Fail Repeatedly?

Happy Wednesday, all!  I hope you're having a great week.  Today I'm talking about what happens when you try and fail, over and over again.

Try and fail

Say, you try to get a job.  You send out resumes but you don't hear anything back.  Or you do get an interview and you think it went great, but you don't get the job.  Over and over again this happens.

Or maybe you don't have any energy and you try all sorts of things to boost it.  You may try exercise, tips and tricks you found on the Internet or heard about from friends or family.  And, you may try some of these things and find out you're allergic to that specific vitamin, or food, or herb.  Whatever you tried. You had no idea you were even allergic to it, but you are. 

Maybe you want to lose weight.  You go to the gym and find out that you can't use most of the equipment that you were hoping to, either because it's not adjustable or adaptable, or the gym is too busy at the time you can get there, so the machines are occupied.

It could be that you try to think of things that will improve your friendship or marriage and you're met with resistance, or what you do try just doesn't work.

It doesn't have to break you

When you try and fail, over and over, it can bring you down, frustrate you.  But you can choose to learn from each experience and grow from it.  It doesn't have to break you.

Try something else.


Go to a different gym, work out at home, use dumbbells, exercise bands, or your own body weight instead of machines.


Get a temp job, look online for work at home opportunities, ask a neighbor if you could do odd jobs them, or start your own business online or off.


Check with your doctor to see if something is up.  You can also keep trying those tips and tricks from the Internet and your friends.  Maybe you'd like to try meditation.  And, take a look inside yourself to see what you need.  Go with your gut.  


Talk things out with friends, family, your spouse, a coworker.  If that doesn't work, you may consider seeking guidance from a counselor or coach.  

Time management

Look at how you manage your time.  Can some things be shortened or cut out so you can spend more time on the things and people who mean the most to you?

Have you tried and failed and just don't know what else to do?  Or have you tried and failed repeatedly only to try one more time and have things work out?  Let me know.  I'd love to hear from you.  

Take care, and I'll see you back here next Wednesday.

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